Monday, July 20, 2009

NCGA: Action Alert Senate Bill 293 Juror Qualifications/Electronic Juror List :Take Action Today!


Take Action Today! Call Your North Carolina House Representative! Tell Them To Vote Yes on Senate Bill 293: Juror Qualifications/Electronic Juror List


Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, a juror cannot be excluded from service simply because he or she is deaf.

Senate Bill 293: Juror Qualifications/Electronic Juror List changes our existing law to permit people who are deaf to serve as juror.

This legislation also specifies that if a person who is deaf is selected as a juror that the court will appoint a qualified interpreter to interpret the proceedings to the deaf person.

The United States Supreme Court recognized in Tennessee v. Lane that:

It is not difficult to perceive the harm that Title II [of the ADA] is designed to address. Congress enacted Title II against a backdrop of pervasive unequal treatment in the administration of state services and programs, including systematic deprivations of fundamental rights. For example, "[a]s of 1979, most States . . . categorically disqualified 'idiots' from voting, without regard to individual capacity."  The majority of these laws remain on the books, and have been the subject of legal challenge as recently as 2001. Similarly, a number of States have prohibited and continue to prohibit persons with disabilities from engaging in activities such as  . . .serving as jurors. . . .  The decisions of other courts, too, document a pattern of unequal treatment in the administration of a wide range of public services, programs, and activities, including the penal system, public education, and voting. Notably, these decisions also demonstrate a pattern of unconstitutional treatment in the administration of justice. 

Senate Bill 293 will bring our state into compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Tell Them:

To vote YES for Senate Bill 293: Juror Qualifications/Electronic Juror List.

This legislation will bring North Carolina law into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Currently in the United States there are approximately 100 deaf practicing attorneys and three seated deaf US judges. 

How to find your Representative:

Or call 919-733-7928

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