Monday, February 25, 2008

More from Judge Bob Orr

"Prior to Mental Health Reform the state never had a mental health plan. Part of the excitement of reform was a mental health long term plan. We need to step back. I would submit we need to step back at this point and redevelop a mental helath plan for this state. One that we all participate in. An open process that we try and look at a long term approach to get us out of this mess to delvier the servies that your clientellye and families memebers need-it needs to be done in an efficient manner. I am a pretty open guy I will sit down and talk to anyone. I am interested in good ideas in workable ideas. I have said in my opinion it is not about the next four years it is about the next 20 years. Substantial reforms to have the type of quality of life. There are a lot of huge challenges in North Carolina government. "

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